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  1. Toddco327

    Deegan News

    I’m sure this thread will go off the rails in 2-3 posts. But here it goes… I think it’s all to convenient that Deegan got “arrested”. I don’t know all the details but a kid is doing donuts in a parking lot and gets arrested. Then 2 days later has a “merch” drop with the picture. I get he...
  2. Toddco327

    Summit Indoors Round 2 Feb 21-22

    Round 2 coming in a few weeks! To answer a few questions, comments and concerns: Yes we did change the Saturday format. The reasoning is to help riders that might not be able to make the full Saturday. With winter sports and other activities the concern or complaint we get is that the day is...
  3. Toddco327

    Summit Indoors Jan 10-11th

    Tis the season for the Summit Indoors! This year NO MEMBERSHIP is needed. Check out the social media pages for the most up to date information. Below is a lot of the info needed for the events. If you have any questions feel free to reach out.
  4. Toddco327

    Bike restoration tips

    Well I guess the title says it all. I picked up a 2003 KX125 from a buddy and I’m going to start fixing it up. I did my CR about 2yrs ago and now I’m gonna do the KX. With trying to keep some sort of budget are there any tips or tricks on cleaning up the motor? Or things you’ve found to be...
  5. Toddco327

    Loretta’s Week!!

    Well the week is under way!! Moto 1 of the day race 1 of the week and Jason McConnell took second!!!! Ohio already showing up!!! Great job.
  6. Toddco327

    Love it or hate it?

    I guess I’d equate SX to watching gladiators. No matter what battle you watch something bad is going to happen to somebody during every round. After yesterday and watching more riders hit the dirt, it’s obvious that SX is just dangerous. Yes we are in a dangerous sport but the elevated risk of...
  7. Toddco327

    Detroit SX!

    This weekend!!!! Taking my little guy up there. He’s hyped. Also a fellow Pitracer buddy is coming up with us. It’s going to be his sons first SX. I hope the racing is as exciting as last weekend. Only bummer on Detroit is no pit stuff which would be fun to go to but I guess we will save it for...
  8. Toddco327

    Mini O’s. What’s the update!?!?

    Who’s down there? What’s the field looking like? Heard Deegan went down? How many Ohio guys? Watched some racing earlier and it looked like some good racing. Track didn’t seem to rutted up. Anyone find Stones yet??? We need updates!!!!
  9. Toddco327

    It’s indoor season!

    Things have been quiet lately. What’s everyone’s plans for the winter? Looks like the Ohio indoor season is taking some shape. How was the Tri-County race at 62 this weekend? Place looks amazing. RamJam has some nice indoor stuff planned. Summit indoors will always be a staple for winter. What’s...
  10. Toddco327

    Fall riding

    Maybe my most favorite time of year for riding dirt bikes. Last 2 weekends have been perfect for dirt bikes and the upcoming weekend is looking amazing. Ended up going to Amherst on Sunday for a kids ride day. It was a blast. Didn’t have much time on Sunday for full day of moto. Amherst is...
  11. Toddco327

    Hear me out… WSX is better because it’s worse

    I gotta say I think the WSX is going to be a better overall race than your MX Sports Feld supercross. Reason being that the riders in the WSX aren’t as good as the Monster Energy SX. Of all the riders in the WSX there isn’t one that is a title contender. Maybe Kenny but I give that a very very...
  12. Toddco327

    That’s a wrap!

    Season is over. Kind of a bummer but it was exciting all the way to the last moto. After watching Ironman which is an amazing facility and then seeing Pala you’d be hard pressed to convince me the west coast is better than east coast in regards to MX. Now my controversial take… Hunter Lawrence...
  13. Toddco327

    So who’s going to LL

    Wish I had more time at work to comb through results to see who made it. Figured it’s easier to post here. So who has punched their ticket to LL this year?
  14. Toddco327

    Need help on my CR!!!

    I’m trying to get this thing going. When I bought it the guy said “the clutch cable is broken”. Well as I’m diving into it I see they broke a bolt in the clutch hub. Ordered a new hub. Put it in. And then now when I put it all back together the clutch won’t engage. My question is… On a 2004...
  15. Toddco327

    Back to the 2 stroke!!!

    So I did a thing this weekend. I traded my 2004 CRF250 for a clapped out 2004 CR125. The kid I traded with got the better end of the deal but I knew what I was getting into. But more than anything I’m excited to be back on a 2 stroke. Pretty excited to work on it and my son is hyped for a...
  16. Toddco327

    Summit round 2!!!!!!

    Let’s get that roll call going!! Summit round two. Im pretty hyped. After the racing last month you know this month is gonna be great. Tower gal posted the amount of riders that they get which is a ton. Who’s going!?!? I’m sure the pro classes will be good. And the money pit bike classes had...
  17. Toddco327

    Soooo.. what’d you get?

    Got some cash to throw at the bikes!!! Might order up a graphics kit for my son PW!!!
  18. Toddco327

    Good vibes into 2022

    Things have been a little heated the past few weeks on here. Love some fireworks but maybe we need some positive posts instead. 1. 2022 looking to be a great year. Beans Road is running races which will be amazing and I’m happy BJ is on board 2. indoors are happening after a year off! It will...
  19. Toddco327

    Stewart’s Podcast

    Listened to the first podcast. Though it was ok. Didn’t feel like there was anything earth shattering but it was great to hear him talk moto. I think for the future podcasts it would be more interesting to have someone lead the conversation and let him tell stories. Joe Rogan does an amazing...
  20. Toddco327

    Year of the Privateers?

    Outdoors this year have been amazing! Hard to believe it’s almost over. Maybe one of the best outdoor seasons in a long time. But as the year is unfolding I’ve noticed a lot more privateers making some big moves. Hand obviously has done a great job. Rodbell is top 15 on a regular basis. Surrat...